Website: My New Roots

Life Changing Crackers


| Course Type: Other

(1 review)


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22nd October 2017


These crackers have been in on my to-do list forever! Finally, because of a craving for Trader Joe's Whole Grain Crisp Bread, I made them. These are delicious, gluten free, dairy free, and can be adjusted with herbs and spices of your liking. I was a little worried about the flipping of the cracker dough for the final 10 minutes of baking, but they were solid enough and I had no problems. Be sure to just score the crackers - do not cut through or the "flip" may be more difficult. I used oregano and thyme (same as TJ's Crisp Bread) and they came out very similar. Unlike TJ's they are wheat free and I rolled mine slightly thinner. Next time I will watch them closer during the final 8-10 minutes, they got a little too toasty around the edges.

(edited 20th December 2017) (0) comment (0) useful  

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