For Goodness Taste
By The Junior League of Rochester Inc.
Ronald Mcdonald House of Providence - 1991
ISBN: 0960561234

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For Goodness Taste

Incredulada Enchilada

Page 144

Cuisine: Southwestern | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

30th October 2010

shilton from Saint Paul, MN

This is fabulously delicious in a very cozy way that has very little to do with enchiladas. The name of the recipe accurately portrays the final product, though. The primary flavors are taco seasoning and salsa (called "taco sauce" here). Since it's primarily a big pile of ground beef, tortillas, butter and cheese - I splurge on the vegetable content, adding half an onion and half a green pepper (instead of the spoonfuls they suggest).

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