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Everything I Want to Eat: Sqirl and the New California Cooking

Carrot-Ginger Black Sesame Loaf

Page 215

| Course Type: Quick Breads/Muffins

(1 review)


Recipe Review

2nd May 2018


After reading all the reviews on Food52 I had serious doubts, but my love of the food at Sqrl (and some blog consulting) boasted my nerve and I went forward, following the recipe pretty closely. In the end I was rewarded with a moist, slightly dense cake, with the carrot/ginger/cinnamon being strong but balanced. The crunch of the topping was a revelation, giving the loaf a tiny bit of a savory edge. That said I think I could cut both the sugar and oil in this by a couple tablespoons. Also my carrots must have been smaller than the authors since I needed almost 4. I am still giving it 4 stars because it was so very delicious and I am positive it will disappear quickly. I greased and lined my pan with parchment and made sure to let the cake cool completely.
There is another version of this recipe on Bon Appetit which at least a couple blogggers have used with success.

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