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Truly Mexican: Essential Recipes and Techniques for Authentic Mexican Cooking

Roasted Tomatillo Salsa with Toasted Chili Powder

Page 67

| Course Type: Condiments

(1 review)


Recipe Review

7th August 2018


Another wonderful salsa from this book. The tang of the tomatillos are really a great contrast to the smoky spice of dried chipotles that have been toasted and ground. Resist the urge to use store bought chili powder for this and toast up the freshest/most pliable dried chilies you can find and you will be rewarded with a uniquely smoky, tangy, spicy salsa! This can be made with chipotles, arbol or cascabel chilies.
I used chipotle moritas which were very spicy so I cut it to 1 teaspoon rather than 2.

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