My Sweet Mexico: Recipes for Authentic Pastries, Breads, Candies, Beverages, and Frozen Treats

Garabatos - Scribble Cookies
Page 154
Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Cookies/Bars
Single Review Display
andrew from Vancouver Island, BC
As Fany Gerson mentions in the headnotes to this recipe, these are not necessarily traditional Mexican baking - they're simple butter cookies with chocolate filling and chocolate icing drizzled (or scribbled) over the top. They certainly tasted just fine; they're a nice cookie indeed, but they didn't stand out as being unusual or remarkable, which I suppose, given the nature of this intriguing book, I expected.
Update: they did improve on re-eating, and my kids really liked helping make them (drizzling chocolate sauce on top) and eating them.
(edited 23rd November 2010) (0) comment (2) useful
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