Antonio Carluccio's Vegetables
By Antonio Carluccio
Headline Book Publishing - 2002
ISBN: 0747275939

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Antonio Carluccio's Vegetables

Cavolini Gratinati - Brussels Sprouts au Gratin

Page 93

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


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26th December 2019


First of all the sprouts are boiled; there are better was to cook them.
Then they are covered with a (tasty) bechamel, well, not covered, but drowned. Half the sauce would have been more than enough.
Not having access to dolcelatte cheese, I used St Agur, which was a recommended substitute somewhere.
Carluccio says the brussels sprouts are not really Italian; this treatment also doesn't seem very Italian.
Edible but nothing to do again.

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