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Vegan Yum Yum: Decadent (But Doable) Animal-Free Recipes for Entertaining and Everyday

Baked Mac and Cheeze

Page 189

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

(3 reviews)

Tags: pasta Mains Mac&cheese

Recipe Review

20th December 2009

Leeka from Hamilton, ON

I wasn't so keen on this dish because it didn't taste anything like mac and cheese to me but my husband really liked it. The sauce was too thick and strong tasting. I'd have to play around with the ingredients, perhaps leave out the miso to make it more appetizing.

(2) useful  


Jayme - 2nd September 2011
I can't figure out why this recipe has such bad reviews. It was the mildest mac and cheese sauce I've ever tasted and is made mostly out of butter. What kind of miso did you use? I feel like 1 tablespoon, even of strong dark miso, should have been lost in all that butter...


Leeka - 5th September 2011
I can't actually remember what type of miso I used or what this even tasted like it was so long ago. Maybe I'll make it again and see if I like it better.


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