The Cheese Course
By Janet Fletcher
Chronicle Books - 2000
ISBN: 0811825418

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The Cheese Course

Hallie's Walnut Bread with Humboldt Fog

Page 66

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breads

(1 review)


Recipe Review

14th December 2010

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

I really love goat cheese and Humboldt Fog is lovely goat cheese. I wanted to like the cheese with this bread more than I did, but I would have preferred a slightly sweeter yeast bread than this. The recipe includes 1/3 cup of shallots and I found the flavor of the bread a little too onion-y which I thought competed with rather than complementing the cheese. Also, I thought the recipe needed a bit more salt to bring out the flavor, as well as more liquid as it was a bit dry.

If I make this again (although there are enough walnut bread recipes out there that I may just move on to another recipe), I will omit the onions entirely, add some sugar or maybe honey, and throw in some dried cranberries.

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