Author Listing

Rita Mass

8 book(s) found on Cookbooker. Displaying results 1 to 8


(0 reviews)

Chocolate Heaven (The All-Chocolate Cookbook)

Lisa Demauro, William Lingwood, Randy Pitt, Sally Shimizu, Carole Etow, John Lytle, Ellen Blonder, Nikolay Zurek, Geoffrey Nilsen, Gaye L. Brown, Anne P. Gibson, Scott Peterson, Madeleine Watt, Kristi Thomas, Patrice De Villiers, Steve Larese, Rita Mass,

(0 reviews)

Christmas! (A Wilton Recipe And Idea Book)

William Lingwood, Randy Pitt, Sally Shimizu, Carole Etow, John Lytle, Ellen Blonder, Nikolay Zurek, Geoffrey Nilsen, Gaye L. Brown, Anne P. Gibson, Scott Peterson, Madeleine Watt, Kristi Thomas, Patrice De Villiers, Steve Larese, Rita Mass, Lee Smith, Mic

(0 reviews)

Cooking for Kids (Favorite Brand Name/Best-Loved)

William Lingwood, Randy Pitt, Sally Shimizu, Carole Etow, John Lytle, Ellen Blonder, Nikolay Zurek, Geoffrey Nilsen, Gaye L. Brown, Anne P. Gibson, Scott Peterson, Madeleine Watt, Kristi Thomas, Patrice De Villiers, Steve Larese, Rita Mass, Lee Smith, Mic

(0 reviews)

Got Milk? The Cookie Book

Peggy Cullen, William Lingwood, Randy Pitt, Sally Shimizu, Carole Etow, John Lytle, Ellen Blonder, Nikolay Zurek, Geoffrey Nilsen, Gaye L. Brown, Anne P. Gibson, Scott Peterson, Madeleine Watt, Kristi Thomas, Patrice De Villiers, Steve Larese, Rita Mass

(0 reviews)

Perfection Salad: Women and Cooking at the Turn of the Century (Modern Library Food)

Laura Shapiro, William Lingwood, Randy Pitt, Sally Shimizu, Carole Etow, John Lytle, Ellen Blonder, Nikolay Zurek, Geoffrey Nilsen, Gaye L. Brown, Anne P. Gibson, Scott Peterson, Madeleine Watt, Kristi Thomas, Patrice De Villiers, Steve Larese, Rita Mass,

(0 reviews)

Seasoned in the South: Recipes from Crook's Corner and from Home

Bill Smith, William Lingwood, Randy Pitt, Sally Shimizu, Carole Etow, John Lytle, Ellen Blonder, Nikolay Zurek, Geoffrey Nilsen, Gaye L. Brown, Anne P. Gibson, Scott Peterson, Madeleine Watt, Kristi Thomas, Patrice De Villiers, Steve Larese, Rita Mass, Le

(0 reviews)

The Complete Coffee Book: A Gourmet Guide to Buying, Brewing, and Cooking

Sara Perry, William Lingwood, Randy Pitt, Sally Shimizu, Carole Etow, John Lytle, Ellen Blonder, Nikolay Zurek, Geoffrey Nilsen, Gaye L. Brown, Anne P. Gibson, Scott Peterson, Madeleine Watt, Kristi Thomas, Patrice De Villiers, Steve Larese, Rita Mass, Le

(0 reviews)

Weight Watchers Entertains with the Chefs From the Culinary Inistitute of America

Rita Mass