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The Fannie Farmer Cookbook

The Fannie Farmer Cookbook: member book reviews

(3 reviews)
2nd May 2010

wester from Soesterberg, Utr

Good basic recipes. Not always exciting, but very reliable.
This is the book I turn to when I need information about cooking times, or oven temperatures, and I've baked a lot of the cookies.

(edited 10th June 2010) report

27th April 2010

JustLaura from , CO

I got this book for a wedding gift in 1986 and it was one of my only ones for a long time. I have several favorite recipes out of it that I recorded in my Living Cookbook software but I don't have the actual book any longer. I'm going to have to see if I can find a used one or something. The banana bread is great - ZERO oil and it is moist and wonderful. Who needs all of that fat - Fannie Farmer (or Marion Cunningham) knew that years ago!


18th January 2010


This is a book that I reference when I need some information about basic cooking techniques.


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