Cooking for Isaiah: Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Recipes for Easy Delicious Meals
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
This book is gluten-free and dairy-free and was written because the author's son was diagnosed as both gluten and diary intolerant. The author does give you substitutions if you wish to either cook with gluten or dairy. The book is filled with gorgeous photos of the food and a few of Silvana and her family.
The foreword in this book is written by Rachael Ray. Nardone is the founding editor in chief of Rachael's magazine, Every Day with Rachael Ray. She also is the no recipe zone and sweet spot columnist for the magazine.
Even though no one in my immediate family (my niece is gluten intolerant) suffers from gluten or dairy intolerance I have found so many recipes in this book that I want to try. So far I've made two and were very pleased with them. I made the double corn cornbread since I wanted to try the double-decker toasted cornbread and spicy greens stack. BTW she gives you her recipe for gluten free all-purpose flour as well as her gluten free pancake mix in the book. Even though the cornbread has some sugar in it, which I normally don't prefer in my cornbread, it was still good. I loved the spicy greens stack and can't wait to also try the toasted ham and tomato cornbread sandwiches with jalepeno mayonnaise which is also on this bread.
If someone you love is gluten or dairy intolerant I highly recommend this book. Even if you don't know someone affected by these allergies this is a great book to cook from.
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