De verstandige kok
By Marleen Willebrands
Uitgeverij Pereboom - 2006
ISBN: 9789077455203

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De verstandige kok

De verstandige kok: member book reviews

(1 review)
1st December 2012

friederike from Berlin,

This book is great document of culinary history: a cookbook from the 16th century, the Dutch Golden Age, annotated and 'translated' to modern Dutch. And it's really interesting. At one point, for example, a recipe advises using rain water, and the text just below explains that typically, four different types of water were used (mineral water, rain water, river water and well water).

However, it's not really to be used as a cookbook. Most recipes are, uhm, lets say not really up to date - most meats, for example, are boiled before they are fried or baked; mussels are actually removed from their shells before cooking; obviously, several recipes call for frying meat on a spit or in a fire-heated stone oven.


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