Butter Sugar Flour Eggs: Whimsical Irresistible Desserts
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
Chapters in this book are divided by ingredients: butter, sugar, flour, eggs, chocolate, citrus, fruit, nuts, cheese, spice, and finally one each for holidays and drinks. After the introduction is a chapter on the basics. If you are a seasoned baker you may already know and follow these basic tips, but it's helpful for those who don't bake often or are just starting. Even if you bake often you may find a helpful tip you hadn't thought of or maybe had forgotten.
There are lots of great dessert recipes included in this book. Some of them you may have saw on the food network and others on Baking with Julia on PBS. Still others may have been served at one of Rick and Gale's restaurants. I love the side bars included with each recipe, interesting things about the recipe. Each recipe also come with a drink suggestion.
This is Gale and Rick's 2nd book together, their first being American Brasserie, which was published in 1997. We've always had great results when using Gale's recipes. If you are looking for a dessert book you can't go wrong if you choose this one.
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