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Mark Bittman's Quick and Easy Recipes from the New York Times: Featuring 350 recipes from the author of HOW TO COOK EVERYTHING and THE BEST RECIPES IN THE WORLD

Mark Bittman's Quick and Easy Recipes from the New York Times: Featuring 350 recipes from the author of HOW TO COOK EVERYTHING and THE BEST RECIPES IN THE WORLD: member book reviews

(1 review)
21st March 2010

NancyM from Hudson Valley, NY

In tiny print on the cover it says, "Originally published as The Minimalist Cooks at Home, The Minimalist Cooks Dinner and The Minimalist Entertains". I was happy to see that right on the cover, so that we all know these recipes are in other books. I don't have any of those books, so really enjoyed looking through this one. I'm not sure if it includes every recipe in those books, but certainly has many. He does say in the introduction that it includes "just about everything I've published in the New York Times Dining section in the last ten years".

I was surprised to see a few recipes that take hours in this book, but he explains that in the introduction too. They are recipes that take a large amount of "unattended" time and little prep time, so do fit into a quick category if you only consider the prep time. This is like slow-cooker recipes being "quick", which, if your schedule works for them, really are quick and easy.

The text in the book is in black except for the ingredients which are in orange. I can read them with no trouble, but they could be a touch darker.

He encourages cooks to make variations on his recipes and includes them with almost every recipe. Ingredient substitutions are also encouraged which makes this book much more flexible and more likely to be helpful on a busy day. Every recipe gives the time it takes to make (and a note if it's largely unattended time) and the number of servings.

(edited 21st March 2010) report

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