The Minimalist Cooks Dinner
sturlington from Hillsborough, NC
The Minimalist Cooks Dinner is one of Bittman’s smaller cookbooks, comprised of about 100 recipes that were previously published in his Minimalist column in The New York Times. This is a solid collection all-around, with a lot of interesting dishes that were new to me, although a few of the recipes–green salad, boiled rice–may be too simplistic for anyone but the beginner cook. I did learn a couple of wonderful new techniques from this cookbook that I have since incorporated into my regular repertoire, such as cooking pasta risotto-style and pan-roasting boneless chicken breasts. Most of the recipes I tried from the book were very successful; the only failure I can think of was the 60-Minute Bread, but I have never had much luck with Bittman’s baking recipes.
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