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The Amateur Gourmet

The Amateur Gourmet: member book reviews

(1 review)
22nd February 2010

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

Adam Roberts is a blogger living in NYC and loving the food opportunities he's afforded by living there. He is really in love with food and cooking and it shows. This book recounts his experiences both in learning not just how to cook but how to shop for food and how to eat it. A quick enjoyable read that includes some of his favorite recipes from Barefoot Contessa (he LOVES her), Chez Panisse, and Mario Batali. In recent months Adam has also had some excellent recipes at his website, including the winning recipes in a soup contest he held for his readers. Just reading the posting about the top three made me salivate. One of his recent posting reintroduced me (after many years) to the pleasures of creamed mushrooms on toast. And his account of his dinner at El Bulli is wonderful for those of us who will never make it to Spain for dinner.


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