Future Challenges
  • Andrew sounds like you've been having some fun. I'll be looking forward to reading about that iron chef challenge and how you did. Looking forward to hearing about the new challenge too.
  • Mmmm potatoes! Sounds like a good time. We could do a potato challenge sometime or maybe I'm just crazy?
  • I would cook the hell out of a potato challenge! Sweet potatoes better be allowed though.
  • Potatoes oh Yea! I love potatoes both regular and sweet potatoes. When I was growing up we thought we didn't have anything to eat if there wasn't some kind of potato dish on the table. Leeka I don't think that's a crazy suggestion at all. Love me some potatoes.
  • I do love me some potatoes. My larder feels empty if there's not a big bag of spuds lurking down there (Yukon Golds these days, mostly). I'll put that on the long-term list. Next though, we definitely need to do a single book challenge or two. Thinking cap will go on by the middle of the week for the next one - promise!
  • Great! Thanks Andrew. It was just a spontaneous idea and one that a lot of members could participate in with multiple books. It's fun to do both types of challenges.
  • Hi Everyone-
    I haven't been so 'vocal' lately, and haven't looked through this entire thread. I would love to see a totally Ina Garten/Barefoot Contessa challenge- using all of her cookbooks. Has this already been discussed?
  • I have to admit that I've never been an Ina fan - I just find her so sticky sweet and pretentious. I don't own a single Ina cookbook but I'd buy one once the book is chosen or if we do multiple books I'd love a recommendation for the best Ina book.
  • Is Ina Garten on TV? I'd never heard of her before joining this forum a year ago or so. She certainly seems popular, judging by how many cookbookers own her books.
  • Her show is called The Barefoot Contessa and its on the Food Network -- I think at 5 pm Eastern time.

    I have mixed feelings about an Ina challenge -- her recent cookbooks have not been very challenging ... but I'd eat well during such a challenge because she really is great on flavor. Anyway my opinion shouldn't be considered as much as others because -- in spite of best intentions -- I won't be cooking as much this fall because of other commitments.
  • I have never seen her show or used one of her cookbooks, but she certainly seems popular among our membership and it seemed like an interesting thing to try. Is one of her older books more challenging @aj12754?
  • It would be interesting to me to see what the fuss is about - her books are owned by many cookbookers, and those who like her are effusive! Thanks for clarifying, AJ, I'm blessed to live in a house with no cable!
  • In Wikipedia, they have her interesting story and mention how her first cookbook, The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook, had her popular recipes from her restaurant of the same name. It has been reprinted several times, is still in print and sounds like a Classic.
    It is also the same price on Amazon as her newer books.
  • For those of you who haven't see Barefoot Contessa you can watch a few recipes from her show on hulu.com for free. They were showing whole episodes but not at the moment. They may again later. We used to have a dish but not anymore so I either watch food shows on PBS, hulu or at my daughters. I have made several of her recipes. Some for her cookbooks and some from the food network site.
  • Maybe I'll sneak a peek at her videos at work, if you promise not to tell anyone. Thanks for the information - do you like her recipes?
  • I looked up the Wikipedia link and I agree - it's interesting how she got started, and her first cookbook sounds like the one to go with, before she became a 'personality' and started cranking out the books. It also has 99 owners on Cookbooker, and I do want to encourage more people to participate in these challenges.
  • So, Andrew, is that the final word. Will the new challenge be The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook? If so, I'd like to order one.
  • Yes, thanks for prompting me @BethNH. We will be going for the original Barefoot Contessa Cookbook. I will set up the challenge page later today or tomorrow and send out an email announcement. This one's been out since 1999 so there should be lots of used copies and library availability for those trying to keep expenses down. I'll work on some prizes and announce them with the challenge announcement.
  • Thanks, Andrew. I'll place my order now. My library has a very small selection - actually it's a very small building - so I'll be purchasing one.
  • Me too! I've never owned one of her books but have seen her a few times. I'll see about getting the first book.
  • Queezle Sister, I do enjoy Ina's recipes. I haven't had a problem with any that I've tried. She tends to use lots of fresh ingredients. I haven't cooked alot from her first one so I'll have to pull it from my shelves and see what I can make.
  • Great, SC. I read the wikipedia entry, too. She states that cooking is all about enhancing the ingredients - I rather like that philosophy - rather than using ingredients to make something different. I have the book on hold at the library, and look forward to some good barefoot time in my kitchen!
  • Sometimes Amazon is simply amazing--I have already received my copy of The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook. Not a lot of really exciting recipes but some that sound quite good--particularly some of the vegetable dishes. I think this will be fun and relatively healthy too.
  • Sorry Andrew...I didn't see your question earlier. I think all her books start from the premise (and it's a premise that's hard to argue with) that simple can be delicious. Her recipes can be wonderful for entertaining for just that reason ... your guests eat great food and you are not exhausted by the time they arrive. I'll be doing her shrimp scampi and scalloped tomatoes for guests tonight for just that reason.
  • I'm glad to hear there are many good vegetable recipes. I've ordered my copy from the library and can't wait to take a look.
  • Wondered if there might be a pie challenge in the works for November? It could encompass savory as well as sweet versions, yum.

    Would love to join in a pizza challenge at some point as well, anyone game for that?
  • We make home-made pizza once a week, and I'd love to be stretched (haha) to try different types. We get stuck in a pesto-caramelized onion-goat cheese rut (but its a delicious rut!).

    We've talked about lots of different challenges, and I look forward to the next one, whatever its theme. I'm hoping Andrew can get some publisher support.
  • Oh and Leeka - there is an amazing potato pizza on smitten kitchen that you might like!
  • I haven't been here long enough for a baking challenge, that would be great. Pies for Thanksgiving, and how about cookies for the holidays?
  • Thanks for the heads up about the potato pizza! I'll check it out. :-)
    We love to make homemade pizza too.
  • Pie, yes! I'm thinking The Pie and Pastry Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum, as discussed earlier. It is a true classic. I'm on holiday this week and away from my main computer, so I may not be able to finish up with the current challenge until next week, but then I'll set up the new one. Oh and pizza is a great future idea - I've been working on mine for a couple of years now and have a few great recipes I follow. Including a fine potato pizza. Also did a gorgonzola, pear and walnut recipe recently that was very interesting.

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