Adding to Recipe Box
  • Hello everyone; I'm a newbie here, and haven't done a whole lot on the site yet...but I am loving it so far and think it's really a great idea! I do have a question: how can I add a recipe to my recipe box? I have checked the box to do that when writing my last two reviews, but they do not show up in my recipe box. Can I add them after I've already posted the review? If not, what when wrong when I tried to do it before posting? I'm confused ...
  • Hello and welcome to cookbooker! I am happy that you have found us, and hope that you find this site as helpful and fun as I do.

    Regarding adding recipes to your recipe box -- perhaps the recipe has to be saved first? I've only saved recipes that others have reviewed, and that have caught my eye. Click "save" and it will appear in your recipe box. Or open a review you've already written and saved, and see if "save" now works.

    And if the system still isn't working for you, please do post again.

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