Indian Food
  • So I've been thinking about Indian Food ever since the Food52 piglet brought the Made in India book to my attention, and then today, kateq posted a great-sounding recipe from the new york times. I finally turn back to work, and come across this article - it tells us why Indian food is so awesome. What do you all think?
  • How interesting! I really never thought about Indian food in that way. Yet it makes total sense--I love the juxtapositions of ingredients in Indian food. And I love the smells created when I cook Indian food. Starting from the toasting cumin seeds and continuing through the onion and cinnamon, the cayenne and the coconut, the contrasts are fabulous. Before you even taste Indian food, you're already enjoying it because the smells are so amazing. I also find that, on occasion, having these long lists of ingredients and somewhat complicated procedures is really satisfying. I do love Indian food and we're lucky to have a quite wonderful Indian restaurant nearby--but I really enjoy making Indian food myself. Greatest difficulty = some ingredients are so hard to find--like fresh curry lime leaves.
  • Interesting article, thanks! Indian food has been my fave since I discovered it in the late 70s/early 80s.
  • Interesting article Queezle Sister. I'm just seeing this today and guess what I got in the mail today.... I recently won a box of 8 Indian spices and they came today.
  • Lucky you, Southerncooker! I have such a hankering for Indian food!
  • Chowhound has selected Made in India as the Cookbook of the Month and so far just about every review has been a rave. I've made three recipes from the book (not reviewed as yet) and each was terrific.

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