I've just added a new feature to the site, the 'Recent Activity' stream. You'll find it on the home page when you're logged in, where 'recent reviews from your bookshelf' used to be. This will show you recent reviews from your bookshelf, but also reviews that your friends on Cookbooker have made as well as comments made on your reviews or comments made by your friends. It's a bit Facebook-esque.
It seemed to me to be necessary now, so that comments won't be missed. I may also set up a notification system for comments on your reviews.
Let me know how it's working for you. You get six recent comments and can click through to read the last 100 (when there are 100 available). You won't see anything if nobody has reviewed from your bookshelf, if you have no titles in your bookshelf, and if you have nobody in your friends list (currently titled 'favorite users', but it will be changing to 'friends' and be overhauled to look better in the near future).
@Leeka - I'm looking into a comment notification option too. I have to decide whether to put in a site-wide notification system we can use for other things or just put something on the home page to alert people. Would people like to get emails for certain notifications or just have everything on the site?
I wouldn't mind receiving email notifications so I don't miss any comments if I don't have a chance to check the website every day.
If it was possible, I also wouldn't mind receiving notification if someone reviewed a recipe I had previously reviewed, or maybe if someone reviewed a recipe that was saved to my bookshelf?
I don't really want so much email - I get enough already - but I'm with redjanet at not wanting to miss things. What if there were a weekly email to update you on all those things?
I wouldn't mind email with options for frequency or maybe a notification section on our profile for comments. I definitely don't want to miss any comments on my reviews or even responses to comments I've left for other people. I've begun to do so and have no idea if anyone has seen them.
I also love redjanet's idea about being notified if someone reviews a recipe from either my saved folder or even just from a book I own.