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Ice Cream: The Perfect Weekend Treat

Walnut and Maple Syrup Ice Cream / Walnußeis mit Ahornsirup

Page 24

(1 review)

Tags: nuts ice cream walnuts prepare in advance

Single Review Display

17th February 2011

friederike from Berlin,

Very nice ice cream, though not overwhelmingly so. Actually, I ended up substituting most of the ingredients - pecan nuts for walnuts, sugar beet syrup for maple syrup, and koffie room for evaporated milk - turns out that contrary to what I thought the former was homogenised, sterilised, non-evaporated cream. I found out while making the ice cream (the cream didn't turn stiff when beaten) but otherwise I don't think the difference was noticeable.

(edited 22nd July 2011) (0) comment (0) useful  

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