All Cakes Considered
By Melissa Gray
Chronicle Books - 2009
ISBN: 0811867811

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All Cakes Considered

Aunt Di's Bittersweet Chocolate Layer Cake

Page 157

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)


Recipe Review

15th January 2010

torimpls from Minneapolis, MN


Making this cake was an absolute nightmare. This was, however, not the recipe's fault, but a faulty springform. I will leave the rest to your imagination, but be sure to include burnt sugary blobs on the bottom of an oven, cake batter all over a counter, and more than a few swears.

That said... this cake was so worth the scrubbing, cleaning, and eventual weeping. It was an odyssey of cake, as it was my first proper cake made for boyfriend's birthday. And what a cake! Succulent, moist in spite of being picked up by its batter and verbally abused by me, and the frosting... there are not sufficient adjectives in the English language to describe how perfect this frosting is. It's not for someone who doesn't love dark chocolate; indeed, if you have a sweet sweet tooth, this might not be for you.

But if you appreciate a pillow of soft, fluffy sweet cake nestled between waves of bittersweet heaven, then you will probably want to make this asap.

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