Mexican Everyday (Recipes Featured on Season 4 of the PBS-TV series "Mexico One Plate at a Time")

Grilled Chicken Thighs with Tangy Yucatecan Spices, Seasonal Vegetables and Roasted Fresh Chile Salsa
Page 172
Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses

Recipe Reviews
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
This was delicious. I did omit the cloves and only used half of the cinnamon called for. The asparagus was great with the marinade which was turned into a sauce to go over it and the chicken. The chicken was also good with the salsa which had to be used sparingly since it was super hot. This recipe can also be made with chicken breasts and in the summer the veg is tomatoes, fall is zucchini or other tender squash and winter is potatoes or beets. I hope to try this again in different seasons.
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