Website: Smitten Kitchen

S'more Pie
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Pies and Tarts
Recipe Reviews
When Pi(e) Day 2011 rolled around, I found exactly what I was in the mood for with this recipe. The filling walked the fine line between silky custard and rich fudginess, and the marshmallow topping could not have been easier or more delicious. The only issue I had was was my own fault: I had to go with a premade crust due to lack of time.
Speaking of time, the cooling and resting times specified are a bit excessive. I've never had a prebaked crust take 45 minutes to cool, and this was no exception. Likewise, the post-prep chill only ended up being about 1.5 hours total, and that was more than enough.
For browning, use the broiler or a real torch - don't waste your time with a little brulee torch. I put mine under the broiler for no more than 20 seconds and watched it like a hawk the whole time. Perfection!
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