Website: Smitten Kitchen

Braised Leeks
| Course Type: Sides

Recipe Reviews
Delicious! As another reviewer suggests the amount of olive oil can be halved. My leeks did not need the full 30 minutes in the oven to become creamy and tender.
Barbara from Amsterdam,
I can't remember if I've ever cooked the whole recipe of chicken thighs and braised leeks, but I've taken Deb's advice and cooked the braised leeks on their own, and boy are they good. I've cooked them a number of times now, usually for company and there are never, ever leftovers.
However, the recipe calls for 3/4 cup of olive oil, and even though Deb says she skimps on this, I find it way too much. I cut it by a half, and the flvour is still great.
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