Website: Smitten Kitchen

Sweet Corn Spoonbread
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breads
Recipe Reviews
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
The fresh sweet corn flavor really predominates this creamy spoon bread. If you like creamed corn (which I hate), this dish will probably make you swoon. I made it in a nine inch square pan (one of the options) instead of a soufflé dish and it was done in the suggested time and came out very nice with lots of the crispy bits against the side of the pan. This delicious dish is easily a half day project (even with all her labor saving steps). I poured the hot cornmeal mixture into another bowl to speed the cooling process as suggested, but even that step took longer than stated even with frequent mixing. Because of the time needed to make this dish, I will probably not attempt it again.
(edited 25th February 2013) (0) comment (2) useful
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