Website: Smitten Kitchen

Jim Lahey’s Potato Pizza


(1 review)
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Recipe Review

25th April 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Shockingly good.

I bought a big bag of red skinned potatoes, and spotted this recipe when trying to figure out how to use them up. This is really simple - pizza dough, potato, onion, olive oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary. We followed Deb's advise and spread the dough into a long narrow shape on a baking pan.

This takes 20 minute to bake, but its flavor is amazing. The potatoes are creamy, with crisp edges. Great rosemary flavor, the onion, etc, was perfect. I think garlic would add to the flavor.

This would be a great appetizer for a party.

(2) useful  


Leeka - 1st November 2011
I found it! Looks and sounds fantastic. I'll definitely add this to our weekend pizza line-up. Thanks QS!


Queezle_Sister - 2nd November 2011
I'm so glad you found it - and I hope you enjoy it. I had pretty low expectations, but was blown away by it.


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