Simple Chinese Cooking
By Kylie Kwong
Michael Joseph Ltd - 2006
ISBN: 0718149521

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Simple Chinese Cooking
By Kylie Kwong
Studio - 2007
ISBN: 0670038482

Simple Chinese Cooking

Salt and Pepper Squid

Page 143

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Tags: squid appetizer deep-fry chinese cooking

Recipe Review

7th July 2011

friederike from Berlin,

Wow. This could have been a 5, if it not had been for the salt. Deep-frying the squid was brilliant, as was coating it in a mix of flour, salt and pepper. However, I already only used 3/5 of the amount of salt given, and yet it is so salty that I cannot even finish it!I don't really understand why. I used sea salt, albeit coarsely ground - would that be the problem? Surely she cannot mean using whole sea salt flakes? In any case, I would recommend using not more than 1 teaspoon ground sea salt, and see how that goes.

Salt and Pepper Squid comes without sauce, and is therefore not that suitable as a regular midweek supper; rather serve it at the beginning of a several course chinese meal. I faintly remember that we were always served this dish with a small dish of sweet chilli sauce to dip. The lettuce is for decorating purposes only, no need to buy if you don't happen to have some at hand.

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