Forever Summer
By Nigella Lawson
Chatto & Windus - 2005
ISBN: 0701176156

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Other edition(s)

Forever Summer (Style Network's)
By Nigella Lawson
Hyperion - 2003

Forever Summer (Style Network's)
By Nigella Lawson
Hyperion - 2003
ISBN: 1401300162

Forever Summer
By Nigella Lawson
Knopf Canada - 2006
ISBN: 0676975488

Forever Summer with Nigella
By Nigella Lawson
Chatto & Windus - 2002
ISBN: 0701173815

Forever Summer

Keralan fish curry

Page 88

Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: fish curry Indian

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12th August 2011

redjanet from London,

This was simple to prepare and the sauce had a good, delicate flavour and was not overpoweringly fishy. It was a very pretty dish with the strong yellow colour provided by the turmeric (today I look like a pack a day smoker after rubbing the turmeric onto the fish!) and the flacks of red chilli throughout. My OH and I both liked it, though it was a bit too hot for me. I would give it a higher score, only I had a terrible stomach-ache after eating it! Not sure if it was something I did wrong, but suspect not as my OH was fine.

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