Modern Moroccan
By Ghillie Bhasan
Hermes House - 2003
ISBN: 1846813840

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Modern Moroccan

Chicken Tagine with Green Olives and Preserved Lemon

Page 73

Cuisine: Moroccan/Algerian/Tunisian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

25th January 2010

friederike from Berlin,

Crosspost. Exact the same recipe was also published in Ghillie Basan’s other Moroccan cookbook, Moroccan: A Culinary Journey of Discovery.

Basically, it was a very nice, tender chicken, but I missed all the spices we had thrown at it! Where was the flavour of cinnamon, garlic, preserved lemons, saffron (again), ginger and coriander? You could only taste the garlic and the preserved lemon in the gravy (the latter only when you actually ate a piece of zest), and the rest was gone! We might try marinating the chicken longer next time, and placing the herbs beneath the skin, not on top of it. Or going for smaller chicken pieces without skin instead of the whole animal right away.

We had this with Grilled Eggplant Salad with Garlic and Saffron Mayonnaise from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian - see my comment on that.

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