The Scandinavian Cookbook
By Trina Hahnemann
Andrews McMeel Publishing - 2009
ISBN: 0740780948

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Scandinavian Cookbook
By Trina Hahnemann
Quadrille Publishing Ltd - 2008
ISBN: 1844006131

The Scandinavian Cookbook

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

Page 48

Cuisine: Scandinavian | Course Type: Soups and Stews

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Tags: soup beetroot leek jerusalem artichoke forgotten fruits and vegetables

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2nd February 2012

friederike from Berlin,

A nice, simple soup of Jerusalem artichokes, though not really anything special.

I'm not really sure about the beetroot. For one, it's decoration only - don't go out of your way to do this if you don't mind not having any. Second, I'm not sure whether it's supossed to be raw or cooked beetroot. As it doesn't say anything, I would expect raw beetroot. On the other hand, when frying it burns very quickly, and according to DB even before the beetroot is cooked properly. The ones in the picture were red just a few moments before, and now look at them...

(edited 27th February 2012) (0) comment (1) useful  

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