The Scandinavian Cookbook
By Trina Hahnemann
Andrews McMeel Publishing - 2009
ISBN: 0740780948

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The Scandinavian Cookbook

The Scandinavian Cookbook: member book reviews

(2 reviews)
28th December 2011

cadfael from , NS

This is one of my favourite cookbooks. The photography inspires me to cook, and explore the cuisine and culture.

Technically it could be improved with more details in the instructions of some recipes. That shouldn't be a problem with more experienced cooks. The overall feel and organization of the book compensates.

I have tried many recipes and am happy with the results.


27th December 2011

friederike from Berlin,

A really nice book, both visually and culinary, on a cuisine that isn't much in the spotlights. It's ordered by month, which makes chosing a recipe so much easier and also takes us on a trip through the Scandinavian year. The recipes I've tested so far were reliable and very delicious. Really recommmended.


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