101 One-pot Dishes: Tried-and-tested Recipes (Good Food 101)

20-minute seafood pasta
Page 128
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: pasta seafood one pot spaghetti
Recipe Reviews
redjanet from London,
This wasn't so great. It tasted nice enough, but it was kind of a pain in the neck to eat. I thought it was pretty clever breaking up the spaghetti so it could be cooked in and at the same time as the sauce, but as my husband and I discovered, when spaghetti is shorter it's not as easy to get on one's utensils! I couldn't find a nice frozen mixed seafood pack, so I just substituted cooked prawns which I added at the last minute. Like I said, this tasted good, but this isn't a dish I think I'll make again.
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