Rose's Christmas Cookies

Brandy Snaps Filled with Whipped Cream
Page 184
Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Cookies/Bars

Recipe Reviews
lovesgenoise from , MA
These are incredibly good, sort of like a cannoli shell made out of toffee. The brandy is an undertone, they don't taste boozy. Everyone I served them to absolutely loved them, from kids to adults with sophisticated palates.
Here are my notes from making these:
-If the oven runs hot, these cookies won’t spread enough to wrap around the dowel.
-I wrapped my dowel in wax paper, taped only at the center so the cookies can slide off the ends without snagging on tape.
-I found it was best to let the cookies cool for 3 minutes on the dowel before sliding them off, they hold their shape better.
-These get soft/sticky if left out (though not as dramatically as meringue), but they stayed crispy in tupperware-type containers.
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