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Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook

Acorn Squash, Pear and Adzuki Soup with Sautéd Shiitakes

Page 136

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Review

26th June 2011

Jayme from Vancouver, BC

One of my favourite soups. This is sweet, tangy, smokey, all sorts of really delicious flavours. The azuki beans are really the only way to go with this soup so I wouldn't recommend subbing them out. And while I loved the sauteed shiitakes on top, my boyfriend thought it was weird (and he's not usually picky).

(1) useful  


Leeka - 26th June 2011
I've been wanting to try this soup but wasn't sure if my family would go for the sautéed shiitakes either. I'm glad the soup can stand alone.


Jayme - 27th June 2011
Do it! It just means there will be more mushroom topping for you!


Leeka - 28th June 2011
Okay! I'll give it a go.


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