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Fine Cooking

Issue 37 - , 2010

Red Leaf and Red Cabbage Salad with Grilled Tarragon Chicken

Page 52

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

22nd June 2011

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

Although I categorized this as a "North American" dish, it had a very French feel to me. The vinaigrette (red wine vinegar, dijon mustard, honey, EVOO, and a generous amount of chopped tarragon) is delicious. The chicken is slathered with a honey/mustard/EVOO/tarragon mixture and then grilled. The sliced chicken is then added to the lettuce/cabbage mixed, topped with some crumbled blue cheese and toasted slivered almonds, and drizzled with dressing. Very nice indeed. And pretty.

But the dressing is the star here ... very tasty indeed.

P. 71 of this issue has a recipe for sauteed chicken breasts with tarragon and vermouth that I think would also be a good choice with this dressing and salad.

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