Everyday Food

Chocolate Peppermint Cake
Page 108
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Cakes
Recipe Reviews
andrew from Vancouver Island, BC
This is a great little cake recipe - it makes a one-layer, fairly dense, rich and chocolatey cake which is not unlike a brownie in texture (or ingredients). Containing a full 1/2 pound of chocolate in the cake, plus another 1/4 in the icing, it is not for the faint of heart.
We use this as a general-purpose special occasion cake, especially for adult birthdays. Oddly enough, I've never made it with the peppermint extract - the closest I've come is a little orange essence sometimes. Otherwise I just make the ganache icing straight.
It can take a while for the icing to stiffen, so it's not for last-minute icing.
(edited 3rd July 2011) (0) comment (1) useful
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