The Artful Vegan: Fresh Flavors from the Millennium Restaurant

Grilled Vegetable Terrine with Arugula-Toasted Almond Pesto
Page 28
| Course Type: Appetizers
Recipe Reviews
Jayme from Vancouver, BC
I absolutely loved the pesto. It gets extra points for using almonds instead of pine nut$! I had a bunch of Arugula from the farmers market that was on its last leg so this was a perfect fit. It made quite a bit more than I needed so I used the rest on pasta with sun dried tomatoes and it was beautiful!
Lacking a grill I broiled the vegetables like the book recommended and while this worked well I know it would have been that much more special if it had that BBQ char on it.
The only problem I had with the recipe was the agar. It called to pour the agar on top of the terrine before baking. I did this, but it stayed on the top and ended up overcooking into big lumps of gross agar. They were easy to pick off the top and the terrine turned out beautifully anyway so I think next time I would skip the agar entirely since it didn't have any trouble sticking together when I took it out and sliced it up.
(edited 26th June 2011) (0) comment (0) useful
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