Raw: The Uncook Book: New Vegetarian Food for Life

Meat Loaf
Page 138
| Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
Jayme from Vancouver, BC
This had some really amazing flavours. The BBQ sauce is what really made this dish for me, but all the flavours worked well. Two notes for this recipe. The marinated portobellos came out way too salty. I would probably marinate them for a lot less time or change the marinade. The second thing was the texture threw me off a little. I've never had a raw nut loaf before so maybe this is what it always tastes like but I feel like if I had an actual dehydrator I might have been happier. The book says you can sub in an oven at lowest setting, watching to make sure it doesn't go over 100, but I feel like that's not the same as if it were having hot air blown at it for 3 hours instead.
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