The Pie and Pastry Bible

Blueberry Tart with Lemon Curd
Page 258
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

Recipe Reviews
lovesgenoise from , MA
This is a lovely, intensely flavored blueberry-lemon tart. For the berries I had, I found the lemon curd slightly overpowering, but I think that was the fault of the berries, not the recipe. Next time, I'll taste the berries and adjust the quanitity of lemond curd down a bit if they're mildly flavored. This would be sublime with wild blueberries, the little ones that are grown in Maine, as they are so intensely flavored.
When blind baking the crust, make it nearly as brown as you would like the finished tart to be. The second baking, with the lemon curd, is short and very little additional browning takes place.
(edited 9th August 2011) (0) comment (1) useful
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