Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar: 100 Dairy-Free Recipes for Everyone's Favorite Treats

Pignoli Almond Cookies
Page 73
| Course Type: Cookies/Bars
Questions or comments about this recipe which don't fit under reviews.
Leeka - 7th July 2011
Jayme, I had a question about your almond milk but couldn't find your review. Did you use a regular blender or one of those high-powered, high speed blenders that cost an arm and a leg? I want to try making almond milk but am not sure if my regular, old blender will do the job without exploding or something.
Jayme - 8th July 2011
The review is from Vegan Soul Food. I made it using a 20 year old blender so you should be good to go! The almonds are soaked overnight so they're pretty soft and you strain out all the chunks when you're done.
Wouldn't you just love one of those arm and a leg blenders though? One day.
(edited 8th July 2011)report
Leeka - 9th July 2011
Oh yes, I dream about owning one of those babies. It's hard to believe a blender can cost so much but I guess if it can cook soup and all that jazz it must be worth it.
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