Real Fast Food
Tags: pork butter sage pork chops quick and easy pork with sage sage butter
Recipe Review
friederike from Berlin,
A few good ideas, a few lesser so. We really liked the crust which was formed due to the flour panade, the combination of sage and pork was excellent and in good balance, and it was extremely quick (use frozen sage for extra convenience).
BUT... the sage would not have been noticeable at all if we had followed the recipe to the letter. Furthermore, by the time the steaks were done the butter was burnt and not suitable anymore as sauce. Instead, we decided to melt extra butter with fresh sage, and this was an excellent idea (and remiscent of the Nutty Butter Sauce with Sage). We left out the lemon, as this didn't seem right, and we didn't miss it at all.
Serve with boiled potatoes and a green salad, prefereably rocket (not pictured).
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