Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Penguin UK - 1993
ISBN: 0140469494

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Real Fast Food

Real Fast Food: member book reviews

(3 reviews)
11th September 2011

friederike from Berlin,

I agree with the others that many of these recipes are rather ideas than true recipes, but sometimes, especially when in a rush, that's all I need anyway. It definitely serves it's purpose. Most of the recipes are successes, a few less so.


7th August 2011

sturlington from Hillsborough, NC

This is not a cookbook so much as a list of simple ideas for what to do with various ingredients. I like the concept, and indeed I keep a notebook of something similar. I have gleaned a few good ideas from browsing through it. Since many of the "recipes" are so basic, though, I feel this cookbook is better suited to truly beginning cooks.


29th January 2010

bunyip from Melbourne, VIC

More inspirational ideas than recipes, the sort of book you consult when you just can't think what to run up from what you've got handy. Slater displays his usual urge to epate le bourgeoisie, exemplified by his recipe for bacon sandwiches. Cholesterol? What's that?

(edited 13th February 2010) report

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