Website: BBC recipes
Baked pappardelle with pancetta and porcini
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: baked pasta
Recipe Reviews
redjanet from London,
I decided to try this after seeing Simon Hopkinson make it in his new series, The Good Cook, which is based on his new book of the same name. This is a very tasty baked pasta dish for two people. It's fairly simple to make, though it takes a little bit of effort, but it was definitely worth it. The white sauce made from a roux combined with porcini-soaked milk gave the dish lots of flavour. I wasn't sure about the pappardelle I bought as it was quite large and the 100g specified by the recipe didn't seem to be enough, so I added in some more. It turned out to be very filling, but not too much, so I would do the same thing again in the future. This was really good comfort food and one I'll definitely want to make again (and will definitely consider buying the book!).
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