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Chinese Green Bean Stir Fry
Cuisine: Chinese | Course Type: Sides
Recipe Review
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
Crunchy green beans with a well flavored sauce! I found fermented black beans at my Asian grocery, and was excited to try to recreate this, one of my favorite of Chinese dishes. I liked that it called for both ginger and garlic. However, it called for only 3 minutes of cooking, without stipulating the size of the beans. I picked up green beans at the farmers market, and they were pretty big. We cooked these for almost 10 minutes, and they were still rather crunchy.
I think this recipe has potential but it doesn't quite come up to Chinese Restaurant level. Of course, its probably got much less oil, too!
Jayme - 19th July 2011
Oh, fermented black beans isn't something I've ever cooked with before. Sounds fun! I have a chinese cookbook coming my way via snail mail so I'm excited to try out all the new cooking flavours!
Queezle_Sister - 20th July 2011
I cooked with them a long time ago, and I just love the flavor. Here I cheated a bit - used a jar of "black bean sauce" not the beans themselves. But I view it as a step toward the pure fermented black beans.
I will look forward to your reviews!
Jayme - 20th July 2011
And i will look forward to the eating! I'm lucky I live by about 152 different asian grocery stores, so finding ingredients will be a cinch. It's too bad it will be at least a week. Can't. Wait. Any. Longer.
Leeka - 20th July 2011
I love black bean sauce and those Chinese garlicky green beans! Mmmmmm.
I can't wait any longer either Jayme! I will be tasting vicariously through your reviews.
Jayme - 20th July 2011
I actually didn't even know black bean sauce was fermented. No wonder it's so delicious. I'm going to learn so much with this cookbook!
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