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Ready for Dessert: My Best Recipes


Page 199

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Cookies/Bars

(1 review)

Tags: cookies

Recipe Reviews

23rd July 2011

andrew from Vancouver Island, BC

A very credible gingersnap. Not that these deviate very far from the standard gingersnap cookie, but he does have a few nice touches. As well as cinnamon, ginger and cloves, there is a good teaspoon and a half of ground black pepper.

David used this in his (fabulous) ginger cake, to good effect, and it is similar here, giving an extra zing to the cookies - you don't taste it at first, then there's a little kick after a few moments. Nice!

Also, the recipe suggests it makes 60 cookies, but I got 48, which is a change for a North American cookie recipe (usually it's the reverse). Perhaps his time in Paris is affecting his portion sizes?

(edited 23rd July 2011) (0) comment (1) useful  

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