Rick & Lanie's Excellent Kitchen Adventures: Chef-Dad, Teenage Daughter, Recipes, and Stories

Bangkok - Style Chicken Satay
Page 194
Cuisine: Thai | Course Type: Main Courses

Tags: grilling
Recipe Reviews
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
Daughter and I loved these. Be careful though if you make this dish, since the turmeric from the marinade stained my white platter with yellow spots. I used the maximum amount of Thai red curry paste called for but they weren't real spicy. One hour in the marinade and then abut 5 minutes each side on the grill. Perfect summer supper. I served them with the Satay sauce page 195, Thai Cucumber Salad page 196, rice, and some carrot salad. The sauce was also good on the rice. I will make these again. I used chicken tenders which were very easy to thread on the wooden skewers that had been soaked for a couple hours in water.
(edited 27th July 2011) (0) comment (0) useful
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