The Pie and Pastry Bible

Sweet Cookie Tart Crust
Page 56
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

Tags: pate sucree pastry shell
Recipe Reviews
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
I used this for the Engadine tart that is described as being like a large shortbread cookie stuffed with caramel and walnuts. I weighed the dough to exactly make a 1/3 to 2/3s split for the upper and lower crusts and that took the guess work out. I have become used to forming these butter-soft doughs that need to be rolled out between sheets of plastic. It worked great especially since I found my 9” spring form pan (I had been making due with the 9 ½”). My only problem was a few cracks in the top crust, but I was delighted that the caramel did not bubble up through and they were not very noticeable. My pan was dark and I used a middle time, the next time I should cut it back a little, I like my “shortbread” not well browned.
this is another go-to recipe, whenever i need a cookie crust. excellent on the mango passion tart or on the linzertorte. YUM. easy to make..... much tastier than crumbling grahams and butter. less sweet too. OMG, i want to do this again.
andrew from Vancouver Island, BC
This is a very nice pate sucree recipe, with Rose's customary detailed directions and exact measurements. Easy to make, and hard to mess up. I skipped the step where you pour it into a freezer bag to knead it and just dumped it onto a large piece of plastic wrap; it came together quickly after that.
I put it in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes after putting it into the tart shell I was using, then blind baked it with weights for a bit shy of her recommended time.
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