How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food

Black Bean Soup
Page 115
| Course Type: Soups and Stews
Tags: soup Black beans
Recipe Reviews
jules from , OH
This is too thin and soupy for my liking but has a good taste. Next time I will use less liquid. I also think I used too much onion. I like onions, but there seemed to be more onion than beans!
Jayme from Vancouver, BC
Mmm, perfectly flavoured black bean soup. My favourite part was the rum. I'm pretty sure I've never given anything with rum in it less than five stars.
This was a little too thin for my taste, I like my bean soups on the thick side, but that's personal preference and easily fixed next time I make this soup. I topped this with a little basil-cashew sour cream I made from the Artful Vegan, which made this soup that much more amazing!
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