By Jane Lawson
Uitgeverij Terra Lannoo - 2011
ISBN: 9789089893826

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Haloumi and Asparagus Salad with Salsa Verde / Salade van Haloumi en asperges met salsa verde

Page 189

| Course Type: Salads

(1 review)
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Tags: salsa mint basil green beans green asparagus goat's cheese cheese beans grilled asparagus haloumi parsley salsa verde it didn't quite come together as a dish

Recipe Reviews

1st August 2011

friederike from Berlin,

Quite delicious, but also quite expensive, especially given the result. DB complained that the ingredients 'didn't quite come together as a dish', one of his favourite criticisms since MasterChef. The salsa verde at least definitely didn't come together as a sauce, it needed a lot more oil (4-5 tbsp instead of one) to make that happen. I substituted part of the asparagus with haricots verts (runner beans) to cut the cost, which worked very well.

(edited 11th October 2013) (1) comment (2) useful  

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